
At the end of each battle there is a division of bounty. Bounty is calculated for each cell and depends on several factors.

Bounty scale

Victory in clash. If a clash occurs on a cell of the board, then the Samurai of the winning Clan who participated in this clash receive bounty in RYO tokens equal to the number of losing Samurai multiplied by 10. For example, if 100 Samurai were defeated on a cell, then the bounty will be 1000 RYO.

Village looting. If it was a village cell, then the RYO stored in the village is added to the bounty.

Flag Bonus. If it was a flag cell, then the bounty is doubled.

Castle Capture Bonus. If your Clan captured an enemy castle, then bounty on each cell is increased by 50%.

Castle Loss Bonus. If your Clan has lost its own castle, then bounty on each cell is reduced by 50%.


Bounty = (number_of_losing_samurai*10+village_bonus%+flag_bonus%castle_bonus%

Bounty division

Bounty is not received by:

  • Samurai who did not participate in the clash, as they have no one to rob. The exception is the village cell: if you shift your Samurai on a village cell, and the enemy Clan does not try to capture this cell, then you can loot the village.

  • Samurai who lost on a cell

Bounty is received by:

  • Samurai who won on a cell

Bounty on a cell will be evenly distributed among the winning Samurai, depending on their individual power. If some troops have an artifact that increases the individual power, then their share will be larger.


The Samurai Reward Percent (SR%) is calculated from the Samurai's individual power (BS) divided by the weight of one percent. The weight of one percent is calculated as the total power (TP) of all Samurai on a cell (minus the terrain bonus percent (TB%)) divided by 100.

SR% = IP/((TP-TB%)/100)

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