Genesis Samurai DAO

As stated earlier, Genesis Samurai minters receive a lifetime royalty. It works according to the DAO system (RoyaltyBalancer smart-contract).

1. Who are the members of Genesis Samurai DAO (RoyaltyBalancer smart-contract)?

The members of the DAO are the minters of the NFT Genesis Samurai limited pool realesed on BNB Smart Chain. It does not matter if you are a holder or have sold your Genesis Samurai, but if you have minted them, then your crypto wallet participates in the DAO for life.

2. Size of Genesis Samurai DAO (RoyaltyBalancer smart-contract)

Genesis Samurai is two collections of 500 NFTs each: the Genesis Fire Samurai collection and the Genesis Water Samurai collection. During the Whitelist Mint there is a limit of 10 NFTs per wallet, and this limit is canceled on the Public Mint (unless the entire NFTs pool is sold before). Therefore, the potential maximum size of the DAO is 1,000 members.

3. What Genesis Samurai DAO (RoyaltyBalancer smart-contract) members get?

The Genesis Samurai smart contract includes a royalty of 7% for each NFT. This royalty is transferred to the DAO after each resale: royalties from the Fire Samurai are transferred to the "Fire" DAO (RoyaltyBalancer smart-contract), and royalties from the Water Samurai are transferred to the "Water" DAO (RoyaltyBalancer smart-contract). Further, each member of the DAO can clame from the general pool a part corresponding to his share. For example, if you have minted 1 of 500 Genesis Samurai, your share will be 0.2%, and if you have minted 10 of 500 Genesis Samurai, your share will be 2%.

4. In what situations can there be more than 10 Genesis Samurai per wallet?

If you won Free Mint in our events, then the won Samurai do not count towards the limit. You can also mint more than 10 Genesis Samurai during the Public Mint.

5. How royalties are claimed?

On the Samurai Versus website, personal accounts are created for DAO (RoyaltyBalancer smart-contract) members with authorization using a crypto wallet. You can withdraw your share in your personal account at any time and as many times as you like, paying only the transaction fee.

6. Is it possible to have a share in both "Water" and "Fire" DAO (RoyaltyBalancer smart-contract)?

During the Public Mint the mint limit is 10 NFTs per wallet, but you decide how you use this limit. You can mint some of the Fire and some of the Water Samurai, and have your share of both.

7. How to become a Genesis Samurai minter?

You can find mint conditions in this section.

Last updated