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Your Castle (castle of the same color as your Samurai). All Samurai of your Clan start the game from this cell. If your castle is captured by enemy Samurai, then you will lose 50% of all RYO earned in the battle (on all cells).
Enemy Сastle. The Samurai of the enemy Clan start the game from this cell. If you capture the enemy castle, then you will increase by 50% all RYO earned in the battle (on all cells).
Flag. This is the place of the main clash. If you win a clash for the flag, then you will receive 2 times more RYO for each defeated enemy on the flag cell (this multiplier bonus does not apply to clash victories won on other cells).
Village. This is a loot cell. Villages store RYO equal to the number of all Samurai in the battle. There can be several villages on the board, and RYO can be distributed among the villages in different amounts.
Sacks (will appear at the stage Q4 2023). This cell contains components for artifacts. Grabbing the sacks, you pick up the components.
Mountain. If you came from the Mountain to the cell where the clash will take place, then the power of your Samurai and artifacts is increased by 50%. The mountain must be the previous cell to the clash cell. The clash on the mountain does not give any bonuses: to get a positive terrain bonus, you need to go down from the mountain to Samurai of the enemy Clan.
Ravine. If you came from the ravine to the cell where the clash will take place, then the power of your Samurai and Artifacts is reduced by 50%. The ravine must be the previous cell to the clash cell. The clash in the ravine does not give any bonuses: to get a negative terrain bonus, you need to get out of the ravine to Samurai of the enemy Clan.
Swamp. Passing the swamp cell costs two actions instead of one. The swamp does not give any positive or negative bonuses in the clash.
Rood. This is an impenetrable cell, you cannot stop on it and you cannot go through it.
Empty cell. This cell does not contain any additional rewards and does not give terrain bonuses.
Question. A cell with a question can contain a unique reward with a probability of 85% or contain nothing with a probability of 15%. The content hidden in the question becomes known only at the end of the battle and cannot be viewed by any of the Hero's classes.