
The battle is divided into 4 rounds of 12 hours each. Thus the battle lasts 48 hours. Each round is reserved for the moves of players who have a Hero of a certain class. The higher the class of the Hero, the later player can make a move, and the more information about the board and the course of the battle he have.

Gokenin Round

Registration. In the first 12 hours, all players must decide to participate in the battle. If a player does not register during the Gokenin Round, they do not participate. To join in, you need to click the "To battle!"

In this round, the board has a classic look, and players without Hero make their moves based on terrain features in their attack planning.

Hatamoto Round

Players with a Hatamoto-class Hero can see which cells allied Gokenins gone to, as well as how much RYO each village contains.

Daimyo Round

Players with a Daimyo-class hero can see not only which cells allied Gokenin and Hatamoto gone to, but also their route and strength, taking into account artifacts and the totem.

Shogun Round

Players with a Shogun-class Hero can see the route and strength of all their allies, as well as the route and strength of their enemies. In this way, the Shogun makes the most informed decision about which clashes to engage in with his Samurai for maximum benefit.


Since there will be no Heroes of the Daimyo and Shogun classes in the early stages of the game, the battle will last 24 hours instead of 48.

Last updated