Victory and Loss
There is no global victory or loss in this protracted war. You can lose a clash on one cell but win on another.
Clash on one cell
Victory on the clash is awarded to the Samurai of that Clan whose total power on the clash cell exceeded the total power of the enemy Samurai. If the total power is equal, victory on the clash is awarded randomly.
The total power (TP) is the sum of the individual attack power (IAP) of all Samurai of one Clan on a cell:
The individual attack power of one Samurai is the individual power (IP) plus the terrain bonus percent (TB%):
The individual power of one Samurai is the base strength (BS, set at 1) plus the totem strength percent (TS%) plus the artifacts strength percent (AS%):
IP = (BS+TS%)+AS%
Clashes on multiple cells
There are times when one troop needs to clash on several cells. In the example, the troop of Fire Samurai was intercepted by the troop of Water Samurai from the mountain. The Fire Samurai won the first clash and continued on their way to the enemy castle. In the next clash (on the Water castle cell) the Fire Samurai troop will have less strength because their lost some in the first clash.
If the troop after one clash must take a part in the next, then the individual power (IP) of each Samurai in the troop is recalculated. IP is reduced by the damage percent (D%):
D% = (TP_of_the_winning_Clan–TP_of_the_losing_Clan)/(TP_of_the_winning_Clan/100)
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