
Buy a seat on the Council

As stated in the "Rounds" section, each class of Heroes has its own time for moves. However, you can buy a seat on the Council and move to a non-your round if your troops have actions left.

Lower class Рeroes can use this trick to confuse the enemy and then suddenly change the position of troops on the board in the later rounds. Lower class Heroes can use this to move from a cell where the enemy is in the majority.

The cost of the seat on the Council:

  • Gokenin Council = 5 RYO

  • Hatamoto Council = 10 RYO

  • Daimyo Council = 15 RYO

  • Shogun Council = 30 RYO

Run away

If you realize that your Samurai are on an unwanted cell, you can return them to your castle at any time during the battle. When escaping, the Samurai loses all remaining actions and 25% of their individual power.

Run away cost = 2 RYO per Samurai. The tokens lost during the run away remain on the cell and are given to the winning Clan.

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